Romance In Bloom
“Romance In Bloom, a short story by Viviana M. C. De La Barca, is a romantic suspense…
…The twists and turns in the story keep you guessing the end. The narrator’s love for Walter and his disappearance is at the centre of the story. What happens after that? Recalling the experience that she had with Walter, the narrator comes across disturbing admissions and unsettling thoughts about Walter’s life. As she wades deeper and deeper, she realises there was more to Walter’s story than he let on while he was in a relationship with the narrator. The narrator is determined to learn more about the mystery that was Walter, and she finds her way to it. The story is fraught with betrayals, secrets, and romantic intrigue. The sequences in the book will make you look forward to the end with eager anticipation.”
-Chaitali Sengupta, author, and translator.
Brandon Chow, English edition.
CPK, Art cover.
About the author
Viviana M. C. De La Barca began her career in languages and culture as a bilingual preschool educator in Mexico. From this activity followed many others; she studied translation (U of T) and International Trade (George Brown College) in Canada, and modern languages (French) in the United Kingdom.
Since 2012, Viviana has been developing short stories after completing her master's degree in screenwriting (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). She is author of ‘Romance de Primavera’ (2022), Ela’s Odyssey (2016) and A Fun Journey With Language and Food (2015). Viviana latest short film Life Is A Cultural Thread (2022) premiered as part of DDW Dutch Design Week official program.
Viviana has lived in different parts of North America and Europe for long periods of time, but is in the Netherlands where she feels most at home. On Viviana’s website you can access more information about her audiovisual and socio-cultural projects, as well as her short films and activism.
Viviana M. C. De La Barca began her career in languages and culture as a bilingual preschool educator in Mexico. From this activity followed many others; she studied translation (U of T) and International Trade (George Brown College) in Canada, and modern languages (French) in the United Kingdom.
Since 2012, Viviana has been developing short stories after completing her master's degree in screenwriting (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). She is author of ‘Romance de Primavera’ (2022), Ela’s Odyssey (2016) and A Fun Journey With Language and Food (2015). Viviana latest short film Life Is A Cultural Thread (2022) premiered as part of DDW Dutch Design Week official program.
Viviana has lived in different parts of North America and Europe for long periods of time, but is in the Netherlands where she feels most at home. On Viviana’s website you can access more information about her audiovisual and socio-cultural projects, as well as her short films and activism.