Art direction and micropoetry Viviana M. Calderón de la Barca.
Pedestrianation (2024) by Viviana M. Calderón de la Barca is a micro-poetic photo exhibit that responds to the artist’s multidisciplinary career on how art and culture could build social cohesion for development.
The photo compositions aim to incorporate micropoetry with the bead designs by Pascale Theron and the photography by Yeugeniia Skydan, to encourage individuals from all walks of life to act with equitable community well-being in mind via art. These are pensées in Dutch, English and Spanish.
Why micropoetry?
In the times of extreme technology influenced rush, micropoetic thoughts proposes —as a genre of poetic verse characterized by its extreme brevity— to communicate mindfully, effectively and why not intensively.
Launch event: 2024 Ateliers Route in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
This was Ateliers Route Eindhoven 2024 in the Netherlands with art designer Pascale Theron and the story behind her White Guilt Quilt displayed project, on growing up privileged in her native South Africa.