Hello, REVIVE!
REVIVE is a handmade knitwear by stylist Eline Gommans former student of Amsterdam Fashion Institute commissioned by Viviana M. C. De La Barca productions on recreating conscious wearables.
REVIVE is proudly made with denim yarn from old jeans.
“Onze co-creatie, gesymboliseerd door ‘REVIVE’, (Nieuw leven inblazen) laat onze toewijding zien aan het omzetten van (duurzame) uitdagingen naar kansen. Tijdens het proces dacht ik er aan dat het “REVIVEN” van materialen en onszelf inzicht, moeite, en aanpassingsvermogen vergt. Om zo tot verandering te komen. De samenwerking met Viviana, wiens naam en energie vernieuwing uitstraalt, inspireerde mijn proces en denkwijze.” Eline Gommans.
“Our co-creation, symbolized by 'REVIVE,' shows our dedication to transforming (sustainable) challenges into opportunities. The process reminded me that reviving materials and ourselves demands insight, effort, and adaptability. This way resulting in meaningful change. Working with Viviana, whose name and spirit embodied renewal, inspired my process and me.” Eline Gommans.
“Our co-creation, symbolized by 'REVIVE,' shows our dedication to transforming (sustainable) challenges into opportunities. The process reminded me that reviving materials and ourselves demands insight, effort, and adaptability. This way resulting in meaningful change. Working with Viviana, whose name and spirit embodied renewal, inspired my process and me.” Eline Gommans.